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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Update – Danny Tate is FREE!

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In reference to the previous post: After a court appearance this morning, word is that Danny Tate is now FREE.

I don’t have all the details yet, but the same judge who has kept him under a Conservatorship for the last couple of years evidently decided today to rule that Danny “has no need of a Conservator.” Hello?? Just like that?

I wonder if the judge’s change of heart had anything at all to do with the fact that his court room today was filled with concerned people who were there to 1). show their support for Danny, and 2). to put the court on notice that the People (people from around the world) are watching what happens in that court.

No matter what the reason, I’m thankful and glad that Danny Tate is free! Now, if he could only get some of his own money back.. money that went to pay for his Conservator’s attorney (even though Danny was not allowed to pay his own), and whatever other expenses his ‘concerned’ Conservator felt he needed (or wanted?) to drain Danny’s assets in order to pay for.

Written by jb

May 24, 2010 at 3:38 pm

Thoughts on ‘Obama on Fox’

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Hell must have just frozen over. I just witnessed an interview granted by President Obama to Fox News.

What did I learn from it?
1). The arrogance of this man appears to be even more astounding than I previously realized. I knew it was significant, but…
2). He evidently thinks, when dealing with someone who will stand up to him and actually challenge him to just answer a simple damn question, that it’s perfectly acceptable (and presidential) to treat such a person as if they were a little child.
3). It’s hard to believe that when repeatedly pressed on ‘what’s actually in the bill,’ he couldn’t (or wouldn’t) actually give a concrete answer, and his attempts to respond were evasive at best. Notwithstanding, he’s certainly in favor of this legislation and thinks it is of utmost importance that it be passed, whatever ends up being in it. How do politicians with this kind of outlook ever get elected to any public office higher than dogcatcher?

What’s the most constructive statement I can make at this point? Vote out the incumbents.

Written by jb

March 17, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Christmas Message

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In the spirit of “Call It What It Is,” I refuse to refer to this most wonderful and promising time of year as a mere “Holiday.” It’s Christmas. To wish people “Happy Holidays” seems so trivial and meaningless to me, in light of the real meaning behind Christmas.

I want to pass along what I feel is a wonderful Christmas Message which does a good job of summing up the reason for the season. This message was on the back of a Christmas card sent to me this year by Laura Allen, which was published by artist Rachel Pearsey. I assume it was written by Pearsey, although that is not clear. But no matter the origin, this states it well.

For thousands of years there was a desperate longing for the Savior to come. The prophet Isaiah described this coming Savior: He would bring light to those walking in darkness, set captives free, bind up the brokenhearted, and save His people from their sins. He would transform hearts and make them good, all for His glory and honor.

He is the hope for all peoples from every nation on earth. He is the joy of every longing heart. Jesus is the only one who satisfies. Until we turn our longing to Him and the joy He offers, we will always be disappointed and thirsty.

Merry Christmas, world. The Christmas Story… “it’s a good story…”

Written by jb

December 25, 2009 at 12:07 pm

Posted in Uncategorized


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It’s all in your perspective, people.

Everything’s amazing and nobody’s happy.

Watch it.

Written by jb

October 26, 2009 at 12:24 am

Posted in Uncategorized